Cyber Law Litigation and Data Privacy/Cyber Security Advisory

Cyber Law Litigation and Data Privacy/Cyber Security Advisory

  1. Domain Name Disputes before Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) under the IN-Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP) before the NIXI against cyber squatters
  2. PSMS/ISMS Assessments and Audits
  3. Legal Training and Workshops
  4. Data Breach Management and Cyber Incident Response:
  5. Contract Drafting and Negotiation
  6. Ongoing compliance monitoring with regulatory obligations
  7. Implementing privacy tools and remediation support
  8. GDPR Compliance
  9. DPDPA 2023 Compliance
  10. Cross-Border Data Transfers
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Office Hours
Monday – Friday

10.00 – 19:00


10:00 – 15:00



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